Terra Nova Wiki
  • Real Spinosaurids included Spinosaurus aegyptiacus and Oxalaia quilombensis. Oxalaia lived in South America, the same continent that the real Carnotaurus is known to have lived, and Spinosaurus lived in North Africa, which was joined to South America until the Early Cretaceous (but see the Science & Speculation section of the Ankylosaurus article for a discussion of the difficulty of assigning a definite location to Terra Nova). Neither are known to have had spikes on their backs and necks like the one seen on Terra Nova, however (though Spinosaurus did have a sail like the Empirosaur along with shorter legs and a long paddle-like tail).
  • All the known Spinosaurs have been found in earlier parts of the Cretaceous than the time Terra Nova is set (the last known Spinosaurs lived in Asia). The Empirosaur might be imagined to be a descendant of some known Spinosaur like Spinosaurus, one which didn't leave fossils (in this interview executive producer René Echevarria makes reference to the idea that the dinosaurs we know from fossils may represent only about 10% of all that existed). Spinosaurs, however, may have been alive as late as the Maastrichtian, as what seems to be a baryonychine remain was found in Madagascar.
  • Ecological speculations: Spinosaurid dinosaurs have had eaten a wide variety of animals; from aquatic prey items to terrestrial animals; and this one is likely no exception. Based on fossil evidence Spinosaurids are thought to have expanded their diet by preying on other dinosaurs and/or scavenging. Little is known about the habits of Empirosaur, but it is likely not native to the area around the colony, as it would likely drive out other creatures such as Carnotaurus and Allosaurs that do inhabit the area, it most likely inhabit swamps, large rives and cost lines were it would prey on any available prey item.